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Richard Poon: Believe me, you will call Duterte for help, if one day you encounter a real evil

Artist Richard Poon, expressed his thoughts towards former Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte who is now the President of the Philippines.
Last year, he created a post about what he felt about the presidential candidates including President Rodrigo Duterte.

Years ago, I was skeptical at Duterte. I heard rumors that he was a feared “berdugo” (executioner of criminals). Curfews at night. No smoking in certain areas, Liquor bans. Maximum 40 kph on the road???!!!

But unknowingly, my MANY TRIPS TO DAVAO to sing for many years OPENED UP CONVERSATIONS with the people there. I was shocked yet CURIOUSLY AMAZED that taxi drivers, ordinary employees LOVE & RESPECT him! In their own words, Duterte was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the MANY ACCUSATIONS. Many say this is because the Mayor PROTECTED THEM FROM EVIL.

In his post, Poon said that at first, he doubted Duterte’s way of leadership, but several trips from Davao City made him realized that every Davaoeños really love and respected their mayor for 22 years.

He said that Duterte was already ousted many years ago by the muslim rebels if his way of leadership in Davao is unacceptable. 

In my circles, most of the people who judge Duterte as an ill leader have NEVER BEEN TO DAVAO to witness his reforms first-hand.

And if Duterte’s ways are really off, will not Davao and the surrounding Muslim world rebel and oust him even in earlier days? 

Poon, thanked the Davaoeños for informing him about the real image of President Duterte. 
He also believes that people who doesn’t like President Duterte didn’t witnessed the leadership of the former Davao Mayor for 22 years. 

Richard Poon also defended the former Davao Mayor in his post, saying that many injustices will continued if the people will still chose the wrong path. 

He also listed the unsolved issues left by the Aquino administration. 

My conscience finds it difficult to join those who say “Duterte will never be able to do that—-curb crime in 3 to 6 months!”. So if that’s true, WHERE WILL I GO? To Mar Roxas who promises to MAINTAIN/CONTINUE “Daang Matuwid”?

I love President Noynoy Aquino for the LIFT he gave our country from the previous regime, but until today our issues on transportation systems (from the MRT to the Airport) are still in a mess, with VERY MINIMUM ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE WRONG. Wanna check Yolanda funds for accountability?

Or how many have you seen convicted of hazing deaths? ZERO. Powerful government officials (belonging to the same fraternities) fly the murderers out of the country until we all forget. You won’t forget if the hazing death is your son.

When you pay steep taxes and CANNOT see a simple walkalator operate in your own airport, or roads repeatedly break into potholes after moderate rain…

Isn’t it true, what foreigners say, that most government transactions require some form of “under the table” fees to get through the RED TAPE? And since rules are not consistently enforced, DOING THE WRONG THING (bribes, tax evasion, counterflow traffic, littering, etc.) IS EASIER compared to doing the right thing?

Have you been robbed? Does our present government protect you well and give just punishment to the robber? Do you feel safe? Do CCTV footages just show you HOW POWERLESS WE ARE AGAINST CRIME?

Are the people who ran away with money in pyramid scams, estafa, etc. jailed for good when they victimize you? Or do they GO FREE inspite of you paying lawyers to do their best?

And if criminals are successfully jailed, is it true that they become “kings” in Bilibid prison with money-making businesses like cooking shabu?

After thinking very carefully, he decided to support President Rodrigo Duterte because of what he did in a small place like Davao City.

He believes that if Duterte succeeded in the small one, he will also succeed in the bigger one.

Poon also gave a clap for the Duterte critics from trying to portray the Davao Mayor as Tyrant, while the people living their loves his leadership.

He also said that anyone who encountered a real criminal will call Duterte for help.

I am voting for Duterte because he DID IT IN THE MICRO (Davao). I saw him change what many (including myself) thought to be UNCHANGEABLE—-the corrupt system of governance.

So I will put my hopes and faith that Duterte will do THE SAME in the MACRO (whole Philippines). Even if he takes more than 6 months, I’ll still support him. Rather than ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO of governance, crime, corruption and drugs.

Isn’t it ironic that Duterte—-who has DRASTICALLY CHANGED the CROOKED SYSTEM in micro Davao—- is being trashed by some as a joke in favor of those WHO HAVE NOT SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED CORRUPT GOVERNANCE? And some expect these people to run MACRO Philippines?

I have to give a clap for Duterte opponents trying to DISTORT him being a tough, fearless, disciplinarian father THAT DAVAO LOVES & RESPECTS into a tyrant who will take away your candy, be like Marcos, choke you into Martial Law, and kill a law-abiding citizen like yourself.

If one day you come FACE-TO-FACE WITH REAL EVIL (murder, rape, robbery), believe me, you will CALL DUTERTE for help. 

In the last part of his post, he convinced his readers to raise their standards and do not look at the mouth and attitude of President Duterte. 

I also do NOT agree with those who say “do not vote for Duterte because he is a womanizer and he curses a lot…” Maybe to them THE PRIMARY ROLE of governance is a SQUEAKY CLEAN MORAL IMAGE or DIPLOMATIC EXCELLENCE. If that’s the case, Grace Poe and Mar Roxas can easily fit those roles.

But if you, like me, believe that THE PRIMARY ROLE of government is to RESTRAIN and PUNISH EVIL, GIVE BACK JUSTICE to the Filipinos who are so tired of living without it, then Duterte is your ONLY CHOICE.

I will NOT choose another candidate OUT OF FEAR OF DUTERTE. I choose Duterte out of strong FAITH in him.

I say, Go Duterte, give the Philippines hope in CHANGING THE EVIL WE HAVE BECOME SO ACCUSTOMED TO! 

Duterte supporters praised Richard Poon for his post and for choosing the former Davao Mayor as his President.

Disclaimer: The above article does not reflect the VIEWS and OPINIONS of Partners for Change Philippines


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